5 Healthy And Portable Low Carb Meals

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Whether you’ve decided to go paleo, keto, Whole 30, or carnivore you’ll quickly see a big difference between the amount of sugar in your food versus the amount of sugar that is available everywhere else.  Depending on your dietary choice you either actively or passively made the decision to eat low carb. Initially it will seem like a challenge but I’ve been eating this way for years and I have a theory why some people think dietary changes are difficult.

All of us, including myself, eat on auto-pilot; that is, we have our habits and routines and we don’t put much thought into our food. We have a routine of sorts. Then we decide to tackle a new eating strategy and more often than not a lot of our habits will no longer work so we have to actively try to come up with something new. The challenge is that we’ve never eaten this way before so sometimes people feel like they have zero ideas.

How To Easily Eat Low Carb

Let’s face it- we all have jobs (or at least I hope so!) and it can be quite the task to wake up very early in the morning to prepare food, then struggle through morning commute for who knows how many more hours. Then, as soon as you reach into work, you run down to the vending machine and pick up a Snickers or whatever your morning habit is. A slice of whole wheat bread will raise your blood sugar more than that Snickers bar… Whether you’re used to eating candy or “healthy whole grains”, you’re off to a bad start.

What if I told you, that you can carry your food with you? Yes, I know you won’t be spending hours in the kitchen before work, but there are ways you can expedite preparation time, and have delicious, healthy and most importantly portable low carb meals at your disposal.

First, A Few Quick Tips:

  • Do the bulk (or all) of your preparation on weekends

    You can easily cut veggies for salads, marinate and grill meat, and even portion off entire meals, all over a Sunday afternoon. Work Smart Not Hard why spend an hour in the kitchen everyday (7 hours) when you can get the work done in 2-3 hours on the weekend?

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  • Make a List of All the Likely Needed Food for the Week

    You’re more likely to fall off a diligent plan if you have nothing to eat! So, stock up, and cook happily! Bad food choices are made when you’re hungry so if you’re new to a new eating strategy your best defense is to have a well stocked fridge. (Refrigerators contain real food; food should spoil, i.e. support life.)

Making a plan and or a menu will help you save money because you’re only buying the things you need. Plus you are less likely to waste food because you have only purchased the things that you need. So nothing get left in the refrigerator to be discovered as brown goo 2 weeks from now.

If you need help making a plan check out Real Plans. This is how their program that suits any eating style works:

Get 1 Week Of Paleo Recipes here:

  • Choose Your Condiments Wisely

    Look for condiments that do not contain vegetable oils (polyunsaturated fats) or added sugars. Condiments are loaded with hidden sugars and vegetable oil, which can leave you scratching your head wondering where you’re going wrong. (Vegetable oils become embedded in the wall of your fat cells which prevents the body from burning these fat cells. Have you ever gotten down to the last 10-15 pounds that simply wouldn’t budge? Vegetable oils may have been the culprit.)

I recommend Primal Kitchen products because they are made with avocado oil (monounsaturated fat). Since the founder of Primal Kitchen also created my Primal Health Coach Certification you can SAVE 10% if you use the code: EATWITHJEN

Here Are Some Great, Healthy And Portable Low Carb Meals Ideas

  • Bread-less Sandwiches:

    finding it hard to forego your delicious bread based sandwiches? For many people, bread forms a very important meal base, around which endless varieties of sandwiches can be concocted. Going cold turkey on bread when on a low carb diet can drive you bananas! But, luckily, you can use lettuce to substitute as bread slices, or even in the case of bun less burgers!

Sandwiches are the ultimate portable food, and this can be a godsend. Fill with lean meats, onion, and Primal Kitchen ranch dressing for a zesty kick (which coincidentally is low in carbs wink wink!. You can try a new type of lettuce sandwich everyday if you like! I also think that collard green leaves make great wraps for sandwiches.

  • Stir Fried Veggies And Seafood:

    Say you don’t like to cut up and prepare veggies on the weekend? There’s still no reason to stress. You can just as easily pick up a bag of frozen veggies from you supermarket freezer isle, and easily whip out a few for a tasty stir fry. Add shrimp in the mix, or even canned tuna, and what you’ve got is a powerful and portable meal rich in heart healthy Omega-3 Fatty acids and lots of Zinc (watch out for that libido increase!)

  • Low Carb Bento Boxes

Bento boxes may be unknown to you, but they can be a very nice way to spruce up a boring or visually dead diet. The way food looks plays an important part in its perceived taste, and this is especially where bento box low carb meals excel. All you need is a lunch bowl with 3-4 compartments, and fill with various foods in each.

[amazon_link asins=’B00II5B0B2,B0716B2ZFK,B00IHMNSV6,B07983SV7B,B0044R7VUC’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’jphphc-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’23908f92-b3bc-11e8-948c-ab86cc220812′]

Typically, Japanese Bento contains rice, but low carb substitutions are a quick and easy fix. You can fill one compartment with seasoned or stir fried veggies (your choice; I love the way stir fried Brussels sprouts taste!), one compartment with a lean meat of your choice, or even better fish; and a boiled egg or two in the other compartment. Sprinkle a little soy sauce over the dish and you will have a delectable meal that looks stunning too.

  • Smoked Or Grilled Kebabs

    I love a good Fourth of July weekend or BBQ.  You can have your mini HEALTHY low carb barbecue whenever you need! Just fire up that grill (gas or charcoal) and make your own kebabs on skewers! Accessorize with sweet bell peppers, onion, tomatoes, maybe some bacon, and even the occasional pineapple chunk. It’s a very low carb portable meal as long as you do not go overboard with the pineapple.

  • Good Old Salads

    Nothing beats a nice salad when it comes to health, and convenience. Salads take a mere minutes to prepare, can be done however you like, and are filling too. Load up with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers and lean meats of your choice (turkey works well here). Hey, if you like pack two servings for a long day!

If your co-workers decide that lunchtime is out at a restaurant you can opt for a big salad with your protein of choice. Another option that is found most places is a piece of protein with either 2 vegetable sides or 1 vegetable and a side salad. I pack these [amazon_textlink asin=’B01CNN01I2′ text=’olive oil and balsamic packets’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’jphphc-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’59c6dffc-b3b8-11e8-8aa1-f125bab4463c’] in my purse so that I know exactly what I’m putting on my salad.

Now that you’ve seen the simplicity of packing a healthy low carb meal, there’s no longer a reason to not carry yours from home.

The portability of these meals is unmatched; you can likely fit them in your handbag or briefcase!

Originally posted on September 8, 2018 @ 17:33

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